GST Will Not Affect Affordable Homes Price - Jainab

KOTA KINABALU – Community Development and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Jainab Ahmad said she was looking into ways to ensure the prices of affordable homes are maintained in the face of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which will be implemented next year.

“I have spoken to Deputy Finance Minister Datuk Ahmad Maslan on the matter so that the prices of affordable homes are maintained even with the implementation of GST. So, we hope in the coming national Budget 2015 there would be goodies announced where the price of such affordable homes even with the introduction of GST would not increase or even better that developer who construct such homes be exempted from GST. In this way prices for such homes can be maintained or even better reduced.” She said this to media after officiating at the Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB), Government Agency and Community Development briefing event at ILP Hall Sepanggar, Tuesday. SESB was not present at the event.

Also on the issue of GST, Jainab urged the public to not be misled by advertisements calling on the public to purchase furniture before GST next year causes the prices to rise.

“Actually with GST the prices of furniture will be reduced. When it comes to GST, it will only be six percent so there will be reduction in price. So don’t be afraid and don’t believe those claims. Also don’t be misled by the talk that GST is bad, because even the opposition in private agrees with its implementation. Even Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim when he was Finance Minister wanted to introduce the tax but now that he is denying it."

Meanwhile, on the issue of Borneo Mart (which was established to help reduce the burden of rising prices for people in rural community), which is currently lacking in the supply of certain items, including cooking oil, Jainab said she was looking into how the issue can be resolved.

According to her, discussions were already held with suppliers with the attendance of officials from the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism.

She said on the cooking oil quota, there was a definite need for an increase and that this can be discussed with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board as well to increase the distribution quota of cooking oil to Borneo Mart by distributors. 

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